
Bit-Rot: Computer Software Degrades over Time


By: W.B. Langdon, Earl T. Barr, Justyna Petke
Associate Editor: Federica Sarro (@f_sarro)

At first sight it seems surprising that computer software should degrade. We are used to the idea that mechanical devices wear out with use and sooner or later they fail. Similarly, performance of electrical devices, particularly batteries, falls with time and they too eventually fail. But software? That’s just a pattern of bits. Sure the device holding the bits may fail, but we can restore from backup, we have error correcting codes. Surely as long as the bits are ok, the software will continue to be ok?
Wrong! Software too degrades over time. (Part of Figure 1 shows a fragment of a program which worked fine 20+ years ago, but which now does not even compile.) Like the fact that there are many reasons for hardware to fail, there are many reasons why untouched software may no longer work. It is so common for legacy software to fail [1], that the term software “bit rot” has been coined to cover, not just the problem of reading bits from old hardware [2], but also the general tendency for old programs to cease to perform their original task.

 Figure 1: Over time software fails
Today, and in the foreseeable future, the dominant cost of computing is software, i.e. people’s time, not hardware. Further the dominant cost of software is the cost of software maintenance. (Wiederhold [3, p66] says “Maintenance costs over time typically exceed the original software develop- ment cost by factors of 2 to 10.”) Bit rot increases the maintenance burden. We cannot simply leave software in the state it was in when it was first sold. Firstly we will need to bugfix. Arguably, if the defect was known in the original code, this is not bit rot. But even excluding this special case, bit rot can cover items such as the need to update for: new computer hardware, e.g. laptop, smartphone, new software libraries, new versions of computer programming languages and their support tools (the GNU C++ compiler has been through 113 releases since the code in Figure 1 was writ- ten), new computer operating systems, such as Microsoft Windows 10, and new versions of existing operating systems, etc.
In other words, if left untouched software suffers bit rot. Even in the absence of hostile actors and evolving computer viruses, we must keep soft- ware up-to-date, e.g. we cannot keep running windowsXP forever. This is a problem for everyone, not just major corporations with dedicated software maintenance teams. Unless hardware failure, fire or theft, comes first, even home computer uses, laptops, and phones will eventually suffer from bit rot.


  • Software Rot 28 February 2017. Geoff Greer discusses Mozilla tak- ing ten years to upgrade firefox in response to software rot. He also mentioned being unable to disprove the existence of software rot.
  • Bit Rot: the silent killer 30 January 2018. Andrew Nesbitt advocates Containers to solve bit rot, and fives ways to slow it.
  • Bit Rot: A Reminder To Check Your Files... 12 February 2016. J.D.G. Leaver discusses a data loss and recovery incident with modern high density disks.
  • Software rot Wikipedia.


[1] Andreas Zeller. Yesterday, my program worked. today, it does not. why? In Oscar Nierstrasz and Michel Lemoine, editors, ESEC/FSE ’99, vol-
ume 1687 of LNCS, pages 253–267, Toulouse, France, September 6–10 1999. Springer.
如何加速访问国外服务器? -「云杰通信」:今天 · 企业用户在与海外企业对接时,访问海外服务器遇到了十分严重的问题。对于大部分之前一直访问国内服务器,甚至是没国外服务器的用户。在访问国外服务器的时候总会有很多的顾虑,不知道哪种国外服务器访问专线更稳定,能达到自身产品运行所需要的实际服务器环境。
[3] Gio Wiederhold. What is your software worth? Communications of the ACM, 49(9):65–75, September 2006.


What is your remedy to cognitive overload?

What is your remedy to cognitive overload?

By: Birgit Penzenstadler (手机浏览国外网站的方法
Associate Editor: 看国外网站加速软件 (@DrMuneeraBano)

Software engineers that I meet tell me about their hectic schedule, their back to back meetings, and that they constantly feel like there is too much on their to do list to ever get done. Research shows that computer workers are the second highest risk working group of developing depression and anxiety over time. We know a lot about productivity, time management, and efficient software development - the problem is not that software engineers are not good at what they are doing. So the question is whether maybe not everything that is going wrong is outside of us? Maybe we need to look internally, from a completely new perspective? 

Have you heard of the concept of mindfulness in the sense of “clear awareness”? Our minds are so full all the time... Clear awareness points towards being super present with what is happening in the current moment, without continuously getting distracted by what may or may not happen later on. Creativity theory talks about the whitespace necessary for being creative, and software engineering is certainly a job that requires creativity for problem solving, designing, etc. So clearing our awareness from distractions and focusing on what is happening in the moment helps us to get into a flow state, where effort meets ease and we feel like we are ‘in the zone’ of ‘deep work’.

Now it is easy to argue that people need to figure that out in their own free time because the job does not contain the regeneration from working. I disagree - if our current way of working relies on unhealthy practices, leading to cognitive overload and suppressed emotions, that leads to significantly increased health risks, more sick days, increased burnout rates, and low-quality software systems. Moreover, we propagate the values that we live by into the software systems we develop, reciprocal to how organisations tend to resemble the product that they are building (Conway’s law). Last but not least, if we are not satisfied by the status quo but don’t challenge it, we still endorse it.

Mark Zuckerberg and Larry Bryan, just as two well known examples in the IT domain, practice according to old Eastern philosophy - so what's behind that? Whether you choose walks in nature, meditation, Yoga poses, breathing exercises, Tai Chi, any practice that quiets the mind and brings body, mind, and spirit (in the widest sense, call it soul if you like that better - the part of you that is left when you take away all the labels, roles, and characteristics that you seem to possess) back into union or alignment. If you are curious on whether you might benefit from such interventions, you can for example use the Mindful Attention Awareness Scale by [Brown et al. 2003].

In my research, I investigate the use of healthy practices in the context of software engineering, and I am highly interested in learning whether you use any, whether you (would) consider this beneficial, or if you think this is distracting and irrelevant. 

What helps you deal with stress, or maintain your overall physical, mental, and emotional health?

I’d be most grateful to get your comments and feedback on these questions in this 5-item survey.

In more detail, my research is centered around exploring how the concept of mindfulness or clear awareness can support flow in software design. This means, I look into how regular practices like meditation, yoga poses and breathing exercises can support software engineers in counteracting cognitive overload and feel more in balance. I am interested both in how to teach this to future software engineers at university, to practitioners in industry, and how to offer this in the least invasive way to practitioners on a continuous basis. 

As software engineers are a quite diverse group, I am curious to find out which modes are most beneficial to which people - and in which situations. For example, if I am really stressed out before a meeting with a challenging client or manager, then the advice to sit down and meditate for ten minutes may freak me out instead of helping, because my mind would go even more crazy having to sit down quietly and try to not think about the upcoming meeting. Instead, in this situation, it is probably a better suggestion for me to do a round of box breathing (for instruction, see my YouTube video) to calm down, because this form of deep breathing will activate my vegetative nervous system and lower my blood pressure. 

I am collaborating with various researchers from different disciplines on this to get all perspective into the picture: There is a Professor from the Department of Yoga at the University of Patanjali in India, Dr. Rudra Bhandari; there is a Professor of Communication Studies who is also a yoga teacher, Dr. Ebony Utley; there is a Professor in Software Engineering who has already investigated the use of meditation in conceptual modeling, Dr. Bea Bernardez; and there are several candidates from medicine and psychology I am currently in conversation with to further investigate brain plasticity and other physiologically measurable impacts. 

网易云音乐加速软件v1.1 安卓版 一键打卡310首歌 _软件工具 ...:2021-6-14 · 网易云音乐加速软件v1.1 安卓版 一键打卡310首歌 昨天更新的软件不能使用了 今天给大家重新修复了一下 记得卸载软件重新下载 提示乱码的 确认一下账号密码是否正确 多按几次 “签到打卡”survey.


[Newport 2016] Newport, Cal. Deep work: Rules for focused success in a distracted world. Hachette UK, 2016.
[Brown 2003] Brown, K.W. & Ryan, R.M. (2003). The benefits of being present: Mindfulness and its role in psychological well-being. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 84, 822-848.


免翻,看国外网站YouTube - QQ技术教程网站_免费分享互 ...:2021-6-4 · 免翻,看国外网站YouTube 2021/6/4 小磊 手机软件 3940 0 软件适用于安卓系统,下载完了之后直接打开是没有内容的,需要用到进行加速才能登录,随便哪款都行,比如我推荐刚刚分享的那款腾讯加速 …

three extracts from an international workshop 

By:  Jeffrey Carver (怎样浏览国外的网站) and Alexander Serebrenik (@aserebrenik)

Associate Editor: Xabier Larrucea (@xlarrucea)

This post diverges from the standard way of publishing because it links to the current issue of the IEEE Software magazine  (here). This approach helps readers to compliment magazine issues with related posts.

In fact, the following summaries are stemming from the 2nd International Workshop on Gender Equality in Software Engineering

“Characterizing Women (Not) Contributing to Open-Source” by Wurzelová and colleagues studies factors related to women’s under-representation in open-source software development. Using the results from the 2018 Stack Overflow survey of software developers (100,000 respondents, 3,436 women), the authors compare the characteristics of women who reported contributions to open-source software development with the characteristics of women who did not report contributions to open-source software. The characteristics the authors analyzed include: experience, age, education, perceived competence, feelings of kinship and competition, and self-education activities. Surprisingly, the authors did not identify any marked differences in any of these characteristics. This result suggests, among the survey respondents, the population of women who reported contributions to open-source software development is similar to the population of women who do not report contributions to open-source development. Especially surprising is that the authors did not identify any difference in the respondents’ perception of their own competence, even though underestimating one’s own competence is widely considered a reason for why women contribute less in open-source environments. This result hints at the presence of other reasons, not analyzed in this study, why the participation of women is lower in open-source software. This paper appears in the 2024 GE workshop. Access it at 怎样浏览国外的网站. 

“Women-only Spaces of Open Source”, by Singh studies the phenomenon that several open-source projects have designated women-centered spaces to facilitate the interactions of women, increase their participation, and empower them. The author observed that among 355 established open-source projects listed on Wikipedia, only 16 had such spaces. The type of space varied from Facebook/Twitter entities to individual blog posts to entire websites dedicated to supporting women involved in the project. The oldest women-centered space, LinuxChix, is almost twenty years old. The most recent one, Women in Bitcoin, goes back to 2013. All the spaces implement strategies to encourage the involvement of women by showcasing their achievements, pairing more and less experienced participants, and support the participants in revealing their identity if they desire to do so. The research suggests that these women-centered spaces fill a gap in the infrastructure of open source projects and have implications for improving the overall underrepresentation of women in technology. However, further research is required to understand why some of these spaces become inactive or cease to exist while other flourish. This paper appears in the 2024 GE workshop. Access it at http://bit.ly/PD-2024-Blog-02.  

“How Remote Work can Foster a More Inclusive Environment for Transgender Developers” by Ford and colleagues studies the experience of transgender software developers. By talking to several transgender software developers the authors identified three themes that resonate across the trans experience and intersect with the advantages to working in software development remotely: identity disclosure, high-impact technical work, and the autonomy to disengage and re-engage. Based on these interviews and survey of the literature, the authors  hypothesize that remote work technologies can increase the sense of empowerment transgender people have to be authentic and effective in their work. This paper appears in the 2024 GE workshop. Access it at http://bit.ly/PD-2024-Blog-03. 


Communicating Stakeholders’ needs with Vision Videos


Vision Videos to Disclose, Discuss, and Align Mental Models for Shared Understanding

By: Oliver Karras (@KarrasOliver)

Associate Editor: Muneera Bano (@DrMuneeraBano)

One central task in requirements engineering (RE) is to understand, document, and convey the needs of diverse stakeholders among all parties involved. The process of coordinating and communicating these needs so that the development team can implement a solution that the stakeholders accept is called 手机浏览国外网站的方法用什么加速器可众免费上国外网站_好运百科:2021-6-5 · 话题:买什么加速器能访问国外的网站 推荐回答:华悦可众 话题:急求能上外国网站的免费加速器! 推荐回答:您要的能上国外网站的软件和教程已发送到私信,见你百度知道右上角的私信,不用安装设置,永久免费。话题:急求能上外国网站的免费加速器!developing and negotiating a shared understanding of the goals, plans, status, and context of a project among all project partners, which requires disclosing, discussing, and aligning their mental models of the future system, i.e. their visions. A mental model is a conceptual idea in the mind of a person that represents the person’s individual understanding of how a system will work. Shared understanding leads to a common vision that summarizes the essence of the mental models of all stakeholders of the ultimate system that satisfies their needs. This common vision, in turn, describes the boundary of the system and thus its scope. Therefore, shared understanding is one of the most important objectives in RE since it enables the stakeholders and development team to assess and agree on what the relevant requirements are and what the meaning of these requirements is regarding the future system.

The Challenge of Establishing a Common Vision

Stakeholders and the development team can achieve shared understanding more easily if they use practices that support proactive information exchange among them. However, current RE practices mainly describe a vision as text. This representation is less suited for communication with a proactive information exchange due to two main reasons. First, the inherent restrictions of natural language such as ambiguity and abstraction increase the likelihood of undetected misunderstandings that limit shared understanding. Second, textual documentation cannot capture all information that is relevant to stakeholders and the development team. Mental models are difficult to capture since they are intangible due to their tacit representations in the persons’ minds. Thus, mental models require other communication mechanisms that are more suited for proactive information exchange to disclose, discuss, and align them to establish a common vision and thus shared understanding.

Vision Videos for Shared Understanding

In contrast to text, 电脑怎么浏览国外网站:2021-6-13 · 用VPN.在我的百度空间有一款,你看看,个人一直在用,速度不错,有6个IP可选,建议先不买,免费用用先,好的再买.包年的话会比包月划算好多,电脑,手机IPHONE,上Facebook,推特等国外网站或者国外游戏服务器加速都可众了上.当然免费的也可众用到手机上的.呵呵 when representing a vision. Such a video, so-called vision video, visualize a vision of a future system, i.e., the video producer’s mental model. This visualization discloses the mental model by externalizing the model and thus making it tangible. However, even this external representation does not encapsulate shared understanding but merely aids to develop shared understanding. The explicit representation provides a reference point for the active discussion among the parties involved to align their mental models. The desired result of a common vision can be more easily achieved since critical issues of the mental models are identified, discussed, understood, and, at best resolved by making them explicit and obvious. The established common vision, in turn, reduces the risk of misunderstandings due to false assumptions.

Vision video

A vision video is a video that represents a vision or parts of it for achieving shared understanding among all parties involved by disclosing, discussing, and aligning their mental models of the future system.

Current Research on Vision Videos

Vision videos are no new practice. One well-known example of a vision video is Apple’s Knowledge Navigator (1987). Since 2017, the YouTube channel “EU Science and Innovation” provides a playlist of vision videos of research and innovation projects funded by the European Union. These videos highlight the future impact of the projects on the life of Europe’s citizens and society as a whole.

Despite the benefits of vision videos, videos are not an established communication mechanism for shared understanding. In a survey, I investigated the obstacles that prevent software professional from producing and using videos in RE. In particular, I found that software professionals (1) perceive the effort of producing and using videos in RE as too high; and (2) lack knowledge about how to produce good videos. Based on these findings, I currently work on an affordable video approach that enables software professionals to produce and use vision videos for shared understanding at moderate costs and sufficient quality. This approach consists of two concepts. First, I work on including videos as a by-product of established RE practices and techniques, such as prototyping and workshops网页看视频加速器_看国外视频网站加速器 - 云+社区 - 腾讯云:视频(Video)泛指将一系列静态影像众电信号的方式加众捕捉、纪录、处理、储存、传送与重现的各种技术。连续的图像变化每秒超过24帧(frame)画面众上时,根据视觉暂留原理,人眼无法辨别单幅的静态画面;看上去是平滑连续的视觉效果,这样连续的画面叫做视频。quality model for vision videos to guide video production by software professionals. This quality model will offer a basis for software professionals to estimate the consequent effort and activities to produce a good vision video. I believe that these two concepts can help to integrate vision videos in RE to support effective requirements communication with a proactive information exchange for establishing a shared understanding among all parties involved.


如何加速访问国外服务器? -「云杰通信」:今天 · 企业用户在与海外企业对接时,访问海外服务器遇到了十分严重的问题。对于大部分之前一直访问国内服务器,甚至是没国外服务器的用户。在访问国外服务器的时候总会有很多的顾虑,不知道哪种国外服务器访问专线更稳定,能达到自身产品运行所需要的实际服务器环境。

Can a Software Reflect Values of Under-represented Users?

Author: Rifat Ara Shams (@swarna601)
Associate Editor: Muneera Bano (@DrMuneeraBano)

电脑怎么浏览国外网站:2021-6-13 · 用VPN.在我的百度空间有一款,你看看,个人一直在用,速度不错,有6个IP可选,建议先不买,免费用用先,好的再买.包年的话会比包月划算好多,电脑,手机IPHONE,上Facebook,推特等国外网站或者国外游戏服务器加速都可众了上.当然免费的也可众用到手机上的.呵呵Instagram removes ad company after data grab” that got huge media coverage. Similarly, there are various other examples such as the collapse of Facebook's share price due to Cambridge Analytica scandal, resignation of Volkswagen CEO, a 30% drop in the company’s stock price and a 25% drop in sales within a year for the recent issue of installing a deceptively designed software to fool fuel emission tests in Volkswagen emissions fiasco. There are also a few incidents reported about value breaches in mobile apps. For example, a ride-sharing app in Bangladesh named Pathao accessed its users’ contact lists and SMS without taking their permission for a business purpose. As a result, Pathao had to face humiliation and loss of profit which resulted in sacking 300 employees within a day without any prior notice. These value breaches cause users’ dissatisfaction and contribute to negative socio-economic impacts.

Human values are getting less attention from the software engineering research community. In our research, we classified 1350 papers at four top-tier SE journals and conferences (大陆怎么浏览外国网站, FSE, TOSEM and TSE) from 2015-2018 to investigate the prevalence of human values in SE and found that only 16% (216) of the papers are directly relevant to human values [1]. There is a need to understand what human values are and how they can be incorporated into the software.

What are 怎样才能浏览国外网址?

According to literature, values have “importance to you, as guiding principles in your life”. Values are the reflection of people’s personal and social preferences [2]. Social scientists have been researching basic human values to conceptualize those since 1950 [3].

In our research, we used Schwartz theory, which is the highly cited and widely applied classification, not just in the social sciences but also in other disciplines. In 1992, Schwartz divided values into ten main categories based on their motivational goals and 58 value items by which the main values are measured as shown in Figure 1. Values located close to each other are congruent and further apart are opposite in nature [4].


How to Consider Values in Software?

The first step to consider human values in software is awareness. Though the importance of including human values in software is significant, it is largely ignored in software engineering due to the lack of a clear definition [5]. This necessitates a concrete definition of human values in SE. Furthermore, there is a need for proper guidelines, tools, and techniques for integrating human values in SE.


We are conducting a case study with the marginalized people in rural Bangladesh with the aim to ensure sustainable use of technology. We are currently exploring the values of female farmers in rural Bangladesh and to what extent the existing agriculture apps reflect their values. To discover their values, we will utilise a well-known value measurement instrument proposed by Schwartz, Portrait Values Questionnaire (PVQ) [4]. In this method, short text portraits of different people, gender-matched with the respondents, are created. Each portrait describes a person’s goals, aspirations and wishes that implicitly reflect the importance of value for that person. We believe, there is a potential in this research to create awareness in SE researcher to consider human values and to provide a reference point to replicate or repeat similar relevant research in collaboration with practitioners and other community stakeholders.


[1] Perera, H., Nurwidyantoro, A., Hussain, W., Mougouei, D., Whittle, J., Shams, R. A., & Oliver, G. (2024). A Study on the Prevalence of Human Values in Software Engineering Publications, 2015-2018. 这个网站,国外应用、软件免费下载,还可众观看最新上映 ...:2021-2-7 · 这个网站,国外应用、软件免费下载,还可众观看最新上映电影 震惊!国外黑科技!?一个能自动上色的网站!不点进来我就 ....
[2] Milton Rokeach. The nature of human values. Free press, 1973.
[3] Shalom H Schwartz. Basic human values:  Theory, methods, and application. Risorsa Uomo, 2007.
[4] Shalom  H Schwartz.   An overview of  the schwartz theory  of basic values. Online  readings in Psychology and Culture, 2(1):11, 2012.
[5] Davoud Mougouei, Harsha Perera, Waqar Hussain, Rifat Shams, and Jon Whittle. Operationalizing human values in software: a research roadmap. In Proceedings of the 2018 26th ACM Joint Meeting on  European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering, pages 780–784. ACM, 2018.


Where to deploy my API? From Server-Centric to Client-Centric Architectural Styles.

哪些方法可众浏览国外网站 Javier Berrocal (怎样浏览国外的网站), Jose Garcia-Alonso (@jmgaralo), Juan Manuel Murillo (@juanmamuro)
 Associate Editor:Niko Mäkitalo (@nikkis)

网页看视频怎么加速_网页看视频加速器_看国外视频网站加速 ...:加速比(speedup),是同一个任务在单处理器系统和并行处理器系统中运行消耗的时间的比率,用来衡量并行系统或程序并行化的性能和效果。另有“超线性加速比”(superlinear speedup),即加速比比处理器数更大的情况。超线性加速比很少出现。超线性加速比有几种可能的成因,如现伕计算机的存储层

Increase in the capabilities of near-to-the-end devices

During the last few years, the predominant architectural style for the deployment of APIs has been the Server-Centric or Cloud-Centric style. In these styles, the most demanding features, like storing or computing of the managed data, are offloaded to cloud environments. These styles provide improved scalability, fault tolerance, and greater control of the operational costs. They allowed developers to implement applications with an excellent response time that can be visualized and used from end devices, that until a few years ago had very limited capabilities.
In the last few years, end devices and near-to-the-edge devices capabilities have increased tremendously. Their storage and computational capabilities have increased in order to be able to execute more complex tasks. This allowed researchers to develop new paradigms, such as Fog, Mist or Edge Computing, in which the whole or part of an application or API is loaded in end devices or near-to-the-edge devices, reducing the network load and the dependency of the cloud environment and improving response time. For instance, by using data closer to, or even inside, the targeted device.
Therefore, developers not only have to make decisions about how to develop a specific API but also what architectural style to apply and where each microservice should be deployed to meet the system requirements better. Initially, one may think that the behaviors implemented with one style, cannot be achieved with others. Our experience, however, has shown us that similar behaviors can be obtained with any of them.

Trade-off among capabilities and limitations

电脑怎么浏览国外网站:2021-6-13 · 用VPN.在我的百度空间有一款,你看看,个人一直在用,速度不错,有6个IP可选,建议先不买,免费用用先,好的再买.包年的话会比包月划算好多,电脑,手机IPHONE,上Facebook,推特等国外网站或者国外游戏服务器加速都可众了上.当然免费的也可众用到手机上的.呵呵could positively impact these requirements, but they also present some significant limitations. For instance, a constraining factor of these devices is the resource consumption (battery, data traffic, etc.). Many of these devices, such as mobile phones, smart speakers, etc. are battery-powered. Likewise, some of them have to interact using the mobile network, either because they are mobile or because of their specific situation, which entails the consumption of the data plan.  In the deployment of any API, the correct management of these resources is crucial for user satisfaction. 【VPN】免费无限制访问所有国外网站-自带VpN加速功能最 ...:2021-5-21 · 软件不用什么设置,进去输入你想进的网站网址就可众了[勉强][玫瑰] 【应用名称】:Tenta 浏览器汉化版 【应用版本】:3.1.6.
Therefore, all these dimensions have to be taken into account to select the architectural style that best fit the system requirements, doing a trade-off among the capabilities and limitations of every connected device and the system requirements. 

Tools helping in the decision-making process

During the last few years, researchers have been working on defining methods for measuring whether the requirements are met, from those directly related to the system behavior to those that impact on other non-functional dimensions such as the resource consumption. 
Some works both in the academia and in the industry domains are focused on analyzing the final developed and deployed an application for identifying if those requirements are met. For instance, 如何进入外国网站免翻,看国外网站YouTube - QQ技术教程网站_免费分享互 ...:2021-6-4 · 免翻,看国外网站YouTube 2021/6/4 小磊 手机软件 3940 0 软件适用于安卓系统,下载完了之后直接打开是没有内容的,需要用到进行加速才能登录,随便哪款都行,比如我推荐刚刚分享的那款腾讯加速 …Leitner et al. proposed a tool to re-evaluate the cost of an application in the background continually. Alternatively, for end Android devices, Batterystats海外游加速器_海外永久免费软件加速器_神龟加速器官网:2021-2-26 · 海外加速器 - 非凡软件站 2021年2月26日 - 关键字是海外加速器 ,共有相关软件1个,查看更多相关内容 [网游加速] 迅游国际版加速器 v4.4810.18500 更新时间:2021-02-26缩略
Another proposal, however, is focused on evaluating during the early stages of the development process how these requirements can be met, helping in the decision-making process of which architectural design are the most suitable. For instance, some works propose a different heuristic to identify where the microservices should be deployed to meet some requirements such as responsiveness better. Likewise, the authors of this post have been working on defining a conceptual framework to identify in early development stages what architectural style is the most appropriate to achieve a reduction in terms of resource consumption.

Generating microservices for different architectures

Once identified the most appropriate style for achieving the system requirements, the API has to be developed and deployed.

Currently, the specification and development of microservices are supported by a large number of tools that facilitate the work of the developer. Specifications such as 手机翻国外网站教程, are widely used to detail an API, generate the documentation, perform tests and, even, generate the API skeleton. This type of tools can even generate the source code for different technologies such as Node.JS, Kotlin, JAX-RS,etc., but they are focused on deploying the API in a server or a cloud environment. 

Fewer commercial tools are supporting other architectural styles, such as client-centric or others architectures based on fog or mist computing. However, at the research level, more and more proposals are presented detailing how to use these specifications to generate the skeleton and to deploy microservices in other elements of the network. For instance, Noura et al. propose WoTDL2API tool, that automatically generates a running RESTful API based on the OpenAPI specification and its code generation toolchain to control different IoT devices. The generated source code can be deployed in near-to-the-edge devices, such as gateways, routers, and so on. 

Likewise, the authors of this post have recently proposed a set of tools to generate and deploy a running RESTful API based on the OpenAPI standard on end devices such as smartphones, IoT devices, etc., providing support to client-centric architectures. 


APIs and microservices until now have been designed and developed to be deployed on a cloud environment because of its computing capabilities, fault tolerance, responsiveness, etc. Nevertheless, the ever-increasing capabilities of other elements in the networks have fostered the deployment of these APIs in these devices to better meet some requirements such as scalability, interoperability, real-time responsiveness, security, or location-awareness.

Nevertheless, for developers to apply the best architectural style, first, they need tools helping in the decision making process by providing information for each style on the degree of compliance of the requirements; and, secondly, tools supporting and reducing the effort required to develop and deploy the microservices for each architectural style are needed. If these tools are not provided developer, tend to use only known architectures and those with greater support.


Studying human values in software engineering

哪些方法可众浏览国外网站: Emily Winter and Maria Angela Ferrario
怎样才能浏览国外网址: Jinghui Cheng (@JinghuiCheng)

The Values in Computing (ViC) project: http://www.valuesincomputing.org

Why do human values matter for software engineering? Recent years have seen high profile software scandals and malpractices, in which individual privacy and social democracy have been undermined, as in the case of Cambridge Analytica’s use of Facebook data [1] and even human lives lost, as in the case of Boeing 737 [2]. As 网传Model 3自动加速 刹车失灵后碰撞起火:特斯拉官方回应 ...:今天 · 6·18活动已全面开启 大促活动入口汇总: 阿里云6·18上云年中大促 点击领取最高12021元红包 天翼云“年中上云节”已上线 云产品全场0.6折起 8888元 ... puts it, we are heading into an age of considerable ‘values debt’ [3], as the negative societal consequences, both intended and unintended, of our software systems mount up.

There is a pressing need then to understand how human values operate, to develop methods and tools to study them in a software engineering context, and to build on this understanding to consider how SE research might contribute to a more socially responsible software industry.

How do values operate?

We use values research from social psychology as our framework. In particularly, we draw on Schwartz’s values model, based on extensive empirical research spanning the last three decades. Schwartz’s work has identified, through survey research, a range of values that are recognised across cultures and that operate relationally. Schwartz’s values model operates across two key oppositional axes: self-enhancement vs. self-transcendence; and openness vs. conservation [4].

We also use Maio’s work, which considers values as mental constructs that can be studied at three different levels: the system level (the relationships outlined by Schwartz); the personal level (the different interpretations of values held by individuals); and the instantiation level (how values are expressed through behaviours) [5]. At the system level, for example, a software engineer who is highly concerned about their personal career development (achievement) is – according to Schwartz’s model – less likely to be concerned about the environmental sustainability (universalism) of the systems they are building. At the personal level, software engineers may have different interpretations of high quality code (achievement) - e.g. ‘code that does the job’ vs. ‘elegant code’. At the instantiation level, a concern with privacy may manifest in a development decision not to track user queries.

Understanding values in software engineering

In order to study human values in a software engineering context, we required methods that were relatable and relevant to the software engineering community. We used Q-methodology as our starting point [6]. Q-methodology is a well-established method designed to systematically study subjectivity. It involves participants taking part in a card ranking exercise; they are interviewed about their decisions and multiple participants’ ‘sorts’ can be statistically analysed. The structured nature of the sorting helped with the systematic articulation and analysis of the qualitative data elicited from participant’s narratives; it was also important that the card statements were specific to the software engineering community. We used the newly revised ACM Code of Ethics [7] as a basis, choosing principles that corresponded with Schwartz’s values types and filling in any gaps by creating statements in accordance with the missing values. It was important, in order to gain a full understanding of the software engineering context, to consider a wide range of values, not just those considered ethical, in order to understand fully values trade-offs within complex industry contexts. Power and profit were as important for our study as honesty and the social good.

The role of the researcher in promoting a socially responsible software industry

One of our key findings is that people interpret and act out values in very different ways. Two of our study participants, for example, who both placed the statement ‘it is important for me that the public good is the central concern of all professional computing work’ in their ‘top 3’, showed almost opposite understandings of this value. For Laura, for example, the public good was about optimising the user experience: she explained they would ‘analyse the data once the user hits our website; we would then optimise off that behaviour’. By contrast, Stuart didn’t want to overly ‘structure’ the experience of users. He explained that an e-commerce site could ask users ‘do you want us to try and automate your offers? Yes or no’. He viewed an overly structured web experience as being oppositional to users’ freedom of choice.

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As well as encouraging discussion of values within industry, we (SE researchers and academics) need to foster reflective, critical skills within our students. For example, we used the Q-Sort as a teaching tool in our Software Studio, a 20-week long module for second year Software Engineering undergraduate students. Within this module, students work in small teams to ideate, design and develop a software application. We introduced the Q-Sort to teams early on in the process as a way of encouraging values articulation and prioritisation that would underpin the entire software engineering decision making process. As well as generating discussion, reflection and critical thinking, this led to concrete future design decisions. One team, for example, went on to adopt a ‘most-vulnerable-first’ approach to system design and development for their train journey planning app, prioritizing search needs for people with disabilities, people with young children, and the elderly. In contrast to standalone ethics courses, the Software Studio embedded values and ethical considerations into the module; they were integrated with technical skills, not an optional add-on.

This is one example of teaching practice that supports the Values in Computing mission: that the 在国外如何看国内视频节目-百度经验:2021-3-26 · 在国外如何看国内视频节目,对于很多海外的朋友都有这样一个困惑,那就是在国外因为区域限制问题不能用腾讯视频等软件看国内的视频节目,那么该如何在国外使用腾讯视频、爱奇艺等视频网站就是海外小伙伴伔需要掌握的一门小知识啦!will be equipped with the technical tools, foundational knowledge, and critical skills necessary to distinguish responsible software engineering decisions from those that are potentially harmful to self and society.

  1. The Guardian, Cambridge Analytica Files. Retrieved on 12 August 2024 from http://www.theguardian.com/news/series/cambridge-analytica-files
  2. Helmore, E. (2024) ‘Profit over safety? Boeing under fire over 737 Max crashes as families demand answers’, The Guardian. Retrieved on 12 August 2024 from http://www.theguardian.com/business/2024/jun/17/boeing-737-max-ethiopian-airlines-crash
  3. Hussain, W. (2024) ‘Values debt is eating software’, IEEE Software blog. Retrieved on 12 August 2024 from http://vf8kqt.wcbzw.com/2024/07/values-debt-is-eating-software.html
  4. Schwartz, S. H. et al. (2012) ‘Refining the theory of basic individual values’. Journal of personality and social psychology 103(4): 663-688
  5. Maio, G. R. (2010) ‘Mental representations of social values’. in Advances in Experimental Social Psychology (Vol 42). Academic Press, pp. 1–43.
  6. Winter, E. et al. (2024) ‘Advancing the study of human values in software engineering’. In Proceedings of the 12thInternational Workshop on Cooperative and Human Aspects of Software Engineering (CHASE '19). IEEE Press, pp. 19-26. 
  7. ACM (2024) Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct. Retrieved on 12 August 2024 from http://www.acm.org/code-of-ethics
  8. Maio, G. R. and J. M. Olson (1998) ‘Values as truisms: Evidence and implications’. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 74(2): 294-311.
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